CEPA Forum 2015 and 2016
Ghosts in the Machine: “Cyber,” Myth and Reality
Computers and networks are now the military, criminal-justice and commercial front line. Malefactors—whether soldiers, spies, criminals or pranksters—find the internet, with its flaw-strewn hardware and software, badly designed networks and ill-trained, complacent humans, a paradise. It is high time to assign priorities in cyber-defense. What are the right public-private partnerships and boundaries? What is the balance between criminal and civil litigation, competitive pressure, social censure and other possible constraints against carelessness? How can we take the fight to the enemy, deterring those attackers motivated by political aims, and disrupting the business model for the criminal economy?

MODERATOR: Edward Lucas, Senior Vice President, CEPA

Frank J. Cilluffo, Associate Vice President & Director, Center for Cyber and Homeland Security 
Sven Sakkov, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, Tallinn 
Benjamin Wittes, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution